It is our goal to match you with quality USA made.

Type in an item you are looking for, and click the 'search' button. The resulting links and descriptive text for companies making products that match your search text will display below the search bar.

---- Sample Search Result ----

Company Name
Company Description
Note-> Indicates the company makes select items in the USA1
Types of Products Made by Company

---- Sample Search Result ----

If you need an idea, enter in socks and use our search to see what sock makers show up in the result set. Or you could try searching for jeans or comfortable activewear. Or maybe consider trying activities like backpacking or camping or searching for a canoe to see what you find. Perhaps you have something else in mind? Search it and see what shows up!

In some cases, you may find that some search terms don’t generate many results. If this happens, then please try slightly different wording as this could improve your chance of getting more results. If you still find it difficult to get results, though, it is likely that you searched a subject for which we have low coverage. Some of our low coverage areas include: perishables (like food – because many foods are USA made and easy to find), home consumables (like soap, shampoo, and lotion – because many of these are USA made and easy to find), and items costing over $10,000 USD (items like automobiles - which are complex and usually produced via many interactions with the global supply chain).

1For any search result that appears without a 'Note->' under the result's description: Assume the company makes all (or almost all) of their item(s) in the USA. Whether a company makes all (or almost all) of their item(s) in the USA is subject to some level of interpretation. We try to provide a basic determination between companies that make all or nearly all of their goods in the USA and those companies that only have select products made in the USA. But the percent of a particular item that is manufactured in the USA is not always clear. And the process of classifying an item as ‘Made in the USA’ can be full of technicalities – there are many items like ‘bicycles’ or ‘watches’ that are partially manufactured in the USA (and also assembled in the USA) that we included in our search results. Yet some of the sub-assemblies (i.e. bicycle derailleurs or watch movements) and/or raw materials (i.e. aluminum or titanium) may have been sourced in other areas of the world – and this could be because the manufacturer can’t get all the sub-assemblies or materials for their product in the USA or maybe the manufacturer has a reason they chose not to do so. So, in general, if the company manufactured some major and/or meaningful part of their product in the USA, and also assembled and finished the final product in the USA, then they may display in our search results - and, in some cases, such products would display in the search results without any further comment denoting that only certain portions of an individual item are manufactured in (and of raw material from) the USA.