Search results for washboards are below:
Behrens Manufacturing
Since 1911, Behrens has been producing highest quality metal containers. The majority of our products are manufactured in the United States with a plant and distribution facility located in Winona, Minnesota.
-Behrens Manufacturing
Note-> Most of their items are manufactured in the USA - although any/all of their "Hot Dipped" containers are not USA made.
| Metal Tubs and Cans | Metal Containers |
Vintage washboards
Columbus Washboard Co.
The Columbus Washboard Company offers washboards with a variety of rubbing surfaces including spiral metal, galvanized, stainless steel, brass, and glass. We also offers chalk, cork, and mirror surfaces. All of these boards are hand assembled one at a time with equipment dating back to the 1900's. Peaking at 1,287,757 washboards made in 1941, today’s washboards are still used for hand scrubbing just like your Grandmother did. They are also used as decorative pieces for laundry rooms and kitchens, as furniture accents, and as good old-fashioned American Bluegrass musical instruments.
-Columbus Washboard Co.
The Columbus Washboard Company has been manufacturing hand-made washboards since 1895
-Columbus Washboard Co.
Note-> Their washboard products are made in the USA - but the accessory items on their website may not be.
| washboards | Laundry Equipment |