Search results for outdoor-gear are below:
Our HomeGrown Wool Initiative strongly supports American sheep farmers, helping create a market for wool sheared from free-grazing Rambouillet merino sheep. Producing beautiful, fine-micron wool here at home.
Our socks are crafted using state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques in world-class American mills. Helping preserve jobs, support local economies, and manage our carbon footprint.
| Mens Socks | Womens Socks | Dress Socks | Casual Socks |
outdoor Socks
Nunatak Gear is dedicated to the design and manufacturing of quality ultralight sleeping bags and lightweight down jackets utilizing 900 or better goose down and sophisticated shell fabrics. Nunatak was founded in the winter of 1999 and run by seasoned backcountry folks who've logged countless days in the wilderness.
Nunatak is designed and manufactured by backcountry specialists in the U.S.A.
| Ultralight | Down Sleeping Bags | Down Quilts | Down Coats |
High Performance outdoor Gear
Jacob Bromwell
Established in 1819, Jacob Bromwell® is the United States’ oldest and most respected name in kitchenware, housewares, and heritage-inspired products. Our company designs, manufactures, markets, and distributes our own line of timeless goods, all of which exhibit beautiful design, best-in-class craftsmanship, and long-lasting quality.
-Jacob Bromwell
We believe in the creativity and productivity of American workers, and still today all Jacob Bromwell® products are handcrafted with pride in the USA and guaranteed for life. It's the way we've done it for nearly 200 years.
-Jacob Bromwell
| Kitchenware | Cookware | Houswares | Home and outdoor Products and Goods |
Darn Tough
We live and work in Northfield, Vermont. Our backyard is the perfect testing ground to make the finest Premium All Weather Performance Socks. We ski, snowboard, hike, bike and run in the most unforgiving climate in the lower 48. It is under these conditions that we design, test and manufacture our socks.
-Darn Tough
Still Made in Vermont, USA
-Darn Tough
| Socks for Men and Women and Kids | Wool Socks | Merino Wool |
outdoor Socks
Emerson Knives
I grew up in America. America gave me the opportunity to pursue my dreams. America gave me the chance to make something of myself. Americans, for over 250 years, have given their lives to protect me, and my family. I am Made in America. Our knives are 100% Made in America. We are America’s Knife Company. And that is why we are “Made in America.”
-Emerson Knives
| Knives | Pocket Knives | outdoor Knives |
Hyperlite Mountain Gear
Hyperlite Mountain Gear is precisely what’s needed and nothing more. This simple idea drives our design and innovation technologies. It informs the technologies, materials and fabrics we use. And it’s the very basis of our commitment to building packs, shelters and accessories that enable our customers to increase their speed, distance and efficiency. Our goal is simple—to arrive at the ideal balance of strength, weight and performance to create gear that’s bombproof and foolproof.
-Hyperlite Mountain Gear
We design and manufacture gear in a renovated textile mill located at 40 Main Street, Biddeford Maine. The reasons are intuitively simple as the gear we make. We believe “Made in the U.S.A.” is a worthwhile endeavor that benefits our customers, our company and the community where we do business.
-Hyperlite Mountain Gear
| Backpacks and Backpacking | Tents and Shelters | outdoor Adventuring Backpacks | Ultralight |
Epperson Mountaineering
Mark Epperson, a world-wise man who loves the mountains, founded Epperson Mountaineering in 1973 in Montana. Mark’s vision back then is the same as it is today; he couldn’t find any other backpacks that satisfied his demanding need for high-quality packs. He believed that by utilizing highest quality materials, artisan craftsmanship, and innovative functional designs he could make great backpacks which he could be proud of. Thus, he ambitiously embarked on an unending quest to create the perfect backpack. Gradually, as word spread about Mark Epperson’s backpacks, local outdoor enthusiasts sought the packs and consumer demand grew so that Mark eventually opened his own retail shop in Libby, Montana where he would make all the packs by hand one by one. As demand outstripped supply, Mark trained artisan pack makers to create Epperson Mountaineering backpacks for local people and consumers from around the world.
-Epperson Mountaineering
Today, all Epperson Mountaineering products are still made in U.S.A. by artisan pack makers with the best components such as 1000 denier Cordura, YKK zippers, mil-spec tubular webbing or exclusive Indian/Oval pattern webbing, and reinforced seam-sealed inner compartments to guarantee long-term strength and durability.
-Epperson Mountaineering
| Backpacks and Backpacking | outdoor Bags |
In 1988, we set out to make the best knives in the world and that's exactly what we did. We've grown a lot since then, and while we've expanded to provide tools for elite tactical operators, first responders and even collectors, our goal remains the same: make the best knives in the world.
Our knives are made of many things: steel, aluminum and titanium, to name a few. But perhaps the most important part of a Benchmade knife is expertise. We carefully measure every part at every step in the process. We use the best materials and equipment. We make world-class knives for world-class users and this is how. Our factory is located in Oregon City, OR.
| Knives | Knife | outdoor | Sporting Goods |
Founded in 2003, DutchCrafters is a destination for solid wood, American-made, Amish handcrafted furniture that is aligned both with your style and with your values. We source all of our heirloom-quality furniture from the back roads of Amish country in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Indiana; we've built solid relationships with woodshops and craftsmen there that we know and trust.
ALL of our Amish Furniture is Made in America.
| Indoor Furniture | Wood Furniture | House and Home Furniture | outdoor and Patio Furniture |
Frost River
Everything we make is built by hand in our workshop on West Superior St. at the headwaters of Lake Superior, and the doorstep to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Using old-world craftsmanship and the highest-quality raw materials like waxed canvas, premium leather and solid brass, we make quality, timeless gear you’ll use for years.
-Frost River
We handcraft heritage waxed canvas packs, bags, luggage and accessories in Duluth, Minnesota, USA— softgoods that are generation-proof, reliable, and purpose-built for function to the standards of those who came before.
-Frost River
| Textile Bags and Backpacks | Waxed Canvas Products | outdoor Sports and Camping | Bike and Bicycle Specific Bags |
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