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At Equinox, we are committed to designing and manufacturing sewn goods that work great, and are a pleasure to use; in an atmosphere that promotes dignity for all staff, with respect to the environment. Recently we have added to our selection of reusable bags for the growing numbers of people who are concerned about our planet. We support this critical movement and are pleased to offer a wide range of reusable bags and a growing collection of organic cotton goods. Some of the most toxic pesticides are routinely used for growing and processing cotton. We strive to manufacture more of our canvas products from certified organic cotton. All of our minimal packaging is produced locally using 100% recycled papers and 100% soy-based inks. We strive to maintain a human-friendly, earth-friendly environment, manufacturing domestically, with a lower carbon footprint.
Made in the USA - it just feels right. We understand that designing and manufacturing products in the United States makes us an anomaly. We take pride in doing this, not because we enjoy swimming upstream, but because we believe we can create and manufacture innovative and highly functional designs, and offer personal, responsive service. We want you to love our products and feel connected to how they are made. Equinox Ltd. Design and Manufacturing resides in an old pajama factory in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, the one time lumber capital, nestled on the banks of the Susquehanna River, at the foot of the Allegheny Plateau. In this huge reborn building with large windows and thick maple floors we have been designing and building high quality outdoor gear and custom products for over 2O years. Our combination of time-honored techniques and innovative technology provides products that stand the test of time. This approach gives you the best of both worlds, handcrafted quality with precision and attention to detail, made in the USA, it just feels right.
| Outdoor Gear | Camping | Backpacking | Cargo Duffel Bag |
just like C.C. Filson did, we refine our designs based on our customers' and field testers' experiences in the field. We work to build comfort, protection, and durability into every product, plus practical features you'll need for work or play outdoors. Our values have never changed: make sure it's the absolute best.
Headquartered in Seattle, Washington, and renowned for making products in the USA from fabrics such as heavyweight Tin Cloth and warm Mackinaw Wool, our company stands for the highest quality and most durable apparel and accessories available.
Note-> Many Filson products are USA made
| Bags | Clothing | Outdoor Apparel | Waxed Canvas |
Tom Bihn
We're a small company that behaves like we're a big company: we offer a rather large number of color options in many of our bags. And most of those colors are our own proprietary colors — colors you won't find anywhere else. Plus, you can customize your TOM BIHN bag purchase by choosing which shoulder strap works best for you, which size insert best fits your laptop, which combination of packing cubes will best suit your travel style. Finally, add zippered pouches and color-coded key straps to organize the interior of your TB bag.
-Tom Bihn
Made in the USA since 1972. There's no finer team than our Seattle factory crew. Many of our seamstresses have been sewing backpacks and bags for over 30 years — in fact, we have over 300 collective years of sewing experience in our factory. Tom works closely with the crew on refining the construction of his bags, relying on the crew to alert him to any details of the design or patterning that make cutting or sewing needlessly difficult or inefficient.
-Tom Bihn
| Bags | Backpacks | Travel Bags and Accessories | Dog Beds and Dog Leashes |
Bags USA Mfg.
Bags U.S.A. was founded in 1985 with the goal of providing the highest quality product for a diverse customer base. That is why we provide service to football, basketball, swimming, cheerleading, dance, hockey and soccer teams, disaster relief, medical, businesses, and government organizations. Because all of our bags are manufactured on location, we can provide any style, color, and size that you need.
-Bags USA Mfg.
| Bags | Backpacks | Cargo Travel Bag | Equipment Bags |
Our goal is to go above and beyond to give our customers the best possible gear available. Many of our customers take our gear with them on what may be an adventure of a lifetime and we strive to help make those adventures amazing. We only make gear that we would use ourselves.
All of our gear is built in the United States right here in our workshop by our skilled seamsters and seamstresses.
| Ultralight | Backpacking | Camping | Hiking |
Frank Clegg
All Frank Clegg products are made in our Fall River, Massachusetts, workshop by a highly skilled team who share the pride of creating handmade products of unparalleled quality. We not only produce exceptional products, we also develop and design our goods in-house. Every bag, wallet and accessory has a story behind it.
-Frank Clegg
Handcrafted in Massachusetts Since 1970
-Frank Clegg
| Bags | Totes | Leather | Accessories |
BDS Tactical Gear
BDS Tactical Gear is a leading manufacturer of tactical nylon gear to the US military, law enforcement agencies and private parties world wide. As a veteran owned and operated business we understand the importance of quality craftsmanship and durable materials.
-BDS Tactical Gear
built for you right here in Oceanside, CA.
-BDS Tactical Gear
| Tactical Gear Bags and Backpacks | Military Applications | Tactical Nylon Vests | Assault Vests |
Mountain Laurel Designs
Right from the start our goal was to offer the lightest fully functional backpacking and wilderness travel equipment possible.
-Mountain Laurel Designs
Our products are proudly made by hand using MLDs rigorous quality standards in Roanoke, Virginia USA and shipped worldwide to outdoor lovers everywhere!
-Mountain Laurel Designs
| Backpacks and Backpacking | Ultralight Backpacking and Wilderness Equipment | Shelters and Tents | Hiking Bags |
Camping Backpacks and Equipment | Alpine Backpacks
Mission Workshop
Mission Workshop bags are constructed with the most rugged assembly of industrial and technical materials in the United States of America. Domestic manufacturing allows us to make smaller, more controlled runs of every bag, ensuring that each bag is worthy of its lifetime warranty. Mission Workshop strives for a level of quality that is unmatched in terms of durability, aesthetics and overall flawless construction.
-Mission Workshop
| Backpacks | Bags | Shoulder Bags | Duffle Bags |
Sword & Plough
How incredible would it be to repurpose military surplus material into durable and fashionable bags that people could use every day? By incorporating veterans into every stage of the business (from design, to sewing, management, fulfillment, sales, even modeling), we could empower veteran employment. Through its branding and outreach, Sword & Plough could help bridge the civil-military divide.
-Sword & Plough
Sword & Plough is a veteran-owned, social impact fashion brand that works with American manufacturers that are veteran owned or employ veterans.
-Sword & Plough
| Bags |
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