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Armored Outdoor Gear
Each RatSack® Cache Bag is made of knitted stainless steel mesh that won't rust or break down. It has a tenacious 2" wide hook-and-loop closure at the top to keep your contents secure. And with a grommet for easy and dynamic hanging, this resilient rodent proof bag provides you with top-notch critter defense.
-Armored Outdoor Gear
Armored Outdoor Gear makes products that help you to Adventure Smarter. We use our years of experience with outdoor recreation and small-scale manufacturing to create durable bags that can protect your food, gear, catch, kill, or collection - wherever you are. We have proudly hand-crafted our products in Flagstaff, Arizona since 2002.
-Armored Outdoor Gear
| Animal Resistant Food Storage | Outdoor Applications |
For hunting and Hunters
Davis Tent & Awning
Our many years of manufacturing tents and hunting elk here in Colorado have helped us to determine the key features needed to make quality outdoor tents and gear. So whether you call it a canvas tent, wall tent, hunting tent or outfitter tent you can rest assured because we have been making tents and other canvas related products to the highest of standards for over 50 years.
-Davis Tent & Awning
Canvas tents - also called wall tents, outfitter tents, or hunting tents - are a specialty of ours at Davis Tent and Awning. We have been manufacturing quality wall tents and horse packing equipment in Colorado since 1955.
-Davis Tent & Awning
| Heavy duty Canvas Wall tents | hunting Tents | Sleeping Cots | Tent Stoves |
Deadwood Stove Co.
The Deadwood Stove is a valuable piece of equipment for any camper, hunter, fisherman, or outdoorsman. It is rugged, compact, and portable. The Deadwood Stove uses sticks and small pieces of wood to operate, eliminating the need for propane, liquid fuels, charcoal, electricity, or large stacks of firewood.
-Deadwood Stove Co.
Based in Valera, Texas and Weesatche, Texas, we are a family owned and operated business. All production of the Deadwood Stove and its accessories is performed by owners (and brothers) David and Dan Warren, as well as their sons, wives, and friends. We take care to build each and every stove as though we were building it for ourselves. At Warren Manufacturing, L.L.C., we use American-made tools and supplies whenever possible and aim to support other businesses and manufacturers with values similar to our own. We pride ourselves on using quality tools and the best steel to manufacture a quality product for you.
-Deadwood Stove Co.
| Outdoor Cookstoves | Portable Wood Stoves |
hunting Stove
Badass Work Gears
In 2013, we started a small work bag company deep in the heart of cajun country, specializing in rugged, durable, duffle bags for oilfield workers working in the Gulf of Mexico. Word quickly spread amongst the oilfield community, and Bad Ass Work Bags became the leading supplier of work bags to the oilfield across the good ‘ole USA. From the tundra of Alaska to the middle of the Gulf of Mexico, Bad Ass Work Bags has become a brand oilfield workers trust. But it wasn’t just oilfield workers who loved our bags. We’ve been lucky to supply our durable products to truckers, firefighters, and even the US Army.
-Badass Work Gears
| Bags | Oilfield Worker Bags | Work Boot Bags | Vinyl Bags |
Camo hunting Bags
Mountain Ridge Gear
-Mountain Ridge Gear
All of MRG's products are made here in Colorado Springs. Nothing is outsourced. I strive to use as much American-made materials as possible.
-Mountain Ridge Gear
| Horse Packing Equipment | hunting Pannier | Pommel Bag | Backpacks |
High Point Products
QUALITY ARCHERY AND TREE STAND ACCESSORIES - Our products are constructed using high quality plastics, nylon filled glass resin. In short, we use what you would use to make your own archery accessories. We field test and trust our products on our stands as we pursue the passion of hunting.
-High Point Products
All of our products are proudly made in the USA by archery hunters for archery hunters. Our design and manufacturing facilities are in heart of Pennsylvania hunting country, about 30 minutes outside of Erie.
-High Point Products
| Archery | Tree Stands |
hunting Tree Stands
R.J. Handcrafted Knives
| hunting Knives | Fishing Knives |
At Tentsmiths we carefully construct well researched tents for museums, movies, reenactors, safari/ hunting camps and more. We even build homes. Some of our tents have been used for years by folks unwilling to accept hard walls for a home, while others have taken the trip to Haiti to house families whose walls no longer stand. We have even constructed tents for archeological digs in far off places. (Indiana Jones?) We’re known for our historical accuracy and uncompromising attention to structural detail.
| Authentic Historical Period Tents |
New Breed Archery
Our passion about archery and bow hunting can be seen in the time taken to create the most innovative products we can. Each year we try to improve on the year before and are so pleased to share the results of this hard work with you, our valued customers.
-New Breed Archery
| Bows | Archery |
Darn Tough
We live and work in Northfield, Vermont. Our backyard is the perfect testing ground to make the finest Premium All Weather Performance Socks. We ski, snowboard, hike, bike and run in the most unforgiving climate in the lower 48. It is under these conditions that we design, test and manufacture our socks.
-Darn Tough
Still Made in Vermont, USA
-Darn Tough
| Socks for Men and Women and Kids | Wool Socks | Merino Wool |
hunting Socks
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