Search results for cordura bags are below:
Atmosphere Mountainworks
For over a decade, Atmosphere Mountainworks has been creating hand-made, hand-designed, one-of-a-kind outdoor gear including: backpacks, fannypacks, purses
-Atmosphere Mountainworks
| Backpacks | Carry bags |
Shoulder bags | Duffle bags | cordura Nylon | Hiking and Backpacking bags | Haul bags
we've been making bags built to last a lifetime.
Timbuk2 has sewn in San Francisco since 1989. Our made-to-order products are designed, cut and sewn in the city, using materials we source from around their world for quality, style, and durability.
Note-> Some of their products are manufactured in the USA - but not all of them. All of their made-to-order products are manufactured in the USA, whereas all of their non-custom products are manufactured outside of the USA.
| Messenger bags | Backpacks |
cordura Materials | Urban Commuter bags
The Last U.S. Bag Company
Made in USA
-The Last U.S. Bag Company
| Industrial Lift bags |
Bucket Lift bags | Tool bags | cordura Nylon
OVER THE LAST 20 YEARS Chrome has never wavered from Its commitment to making useful and durable gear for professional messengers, fixed freestyle riders, and urban commuters — people who live and ride in the city.
Note-> Some of their products are manufactured in the USA - but not all of their products are manufactured in the USA. See those USA items here: Try this link
| Bike Messenger bags | Commuter Backpacks | Urban bags and Apparel |
Biking and Commuting bags | cordura Materials | Waterproof and Water Resistant bags
Professional Life Support Products
Professional Life Support Products is a family owned and operated business that prides itself on two very important philosophies. First is quality. Our products can help make the difference so that your life support gear is well protected and will perform at those critical times. Because this is important to us, we use only the most durable and highest quality material in all of our products. Second, all of our products are designed by firemen and life support professionals. Our innovative engineering provides a product that meets your demanding specifications.
-Professional Life Support Products
Made In The USA
-Professional Life Support Products
| Gear bags | Police and Firefighter Applications | cordura Equipment Storage bags |
Firefighter Gear bags and Cases
Sheridan Tent & Awning Co
For hunting enthusiasts, glamping or family camping, it's hard to beat a sturdy canvas tent made in the USA from grade A canvas. Sheridan Tent & Awning also makes custom canvas, cordura and sturdy vinyl bags and luggage, Sunbrella awnings, indoor and outdoor shades, furniture covers and outdoor upholstery, custom tarps and covers, and a wide swath of other industrial goods
-Sheridan Tent & Awning Co
Since 1909, Sheridan Tent & Awning has been designing and manufacturing grade A canvas tents, wall tents, outfitter tents, hunting tents and cowboy range tents, also known as cowboy range tee pees.
-Sheridan Tent & Awning Co
| Heavy Canvas Tents | Camping and Outdoor Equipment |
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