Search results for camping backpacking applications are below:
a good outing means coming home with dirt under your nails and the smell of campfire
Note-> Not all of their products are manufactured in the USA -- but their backpacking stoves are manufactured in the USA.
| backpacking Stoves | Backcountry Cooking |
camping Stove | Ultralight camping Stove | Outdoor applications
Armored Outdoor Gear
Each RatSack® Cache Bag is made of knitted stainless steel mesh that won't rust or break down. It has a tenacious 2" wide hook-and-loop closure at the top to keep your contents secure. And with a grommet for easy and dynamic hanging, this resilient rodent proof bag provides you with top-notch critter defense.
-Armored Outdoor Gear
Armored Outdoor Gear makes products that help you to Adventure Smarter. We use our years of experience with outdoor recreation and small-scale manufacturing to create durable bags that can protect your food, gear, catch, kill, or collection - wherever you are. We have proudly hand-crafted our products in Flagstaff, Arizona since 2002.
-Armored Outdoor Gear
| Animal Resistant Food Storage | Outdoor applications |
backpacking Food Storage | camping Food Storage Alternative to Bear Canisters
Stephenson's Warmlite
Each Tent or Sleeping Bag is Sewn by an Experienced Seamstress or Seamster in North America.
-Stephenson's Warmlite
Note-> Their tents and sleeping bags are manufactured in or close to the USA, but other items on their website may not be manufactured in/near the USA.
| Tents | Sleeping Bags | camping and Outdoors Gear | Mountaineering and backpacking |
Ultralight applications
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