Search results for carry bags are below:
Atmosphere Mountainworks
For over a decade, Atmosphere Mountainworks has been creating hand-made, hand-designed, one-of-a-kind outdoor gear including: backpacks, fannypacks, purses
-Atmosphere Mountainworks
| Backpacks | carry bags |
Shoulder bags | Duffle bags | Hiking and Backpacking bags | Haul bags
NutSac got its start designing and manufacturing bags for disc golf. We’ve gained a reputation for producing high quality, American-made bags and excellent customer support. We love our customers. NutSac was named because the founders realized that you’d have to be a little bit nuts to manufacture in America and compete against cheap products. You’d also have to be a bit nuts to try to source American-made materials. And you’d have to be really nuts to trust that your customers will value your commitment to fair business practices and quality design.
NutSac bags are made in America with U.S. made goods.
| bags and Accessories | Mens carry bags |
Shoulder carry bags | Man bags | Disc Golf bags
We are a lean manufacturer: we build packs when ordered. This doesn't mean custom, this means that we manufacture based on demand. "In Stock" means that we have all of the sub assemblies of the pack. Depending on how many packs we've got in the production queue, production time for an order can range from one day to eight weeks.
CiloGear designs all our products in house. We do all of our production at our facility in Portland, Oregon, USA.
| Mountaineering | Backpacking | Alpine Climbing Packs | Backpacks |
Urban bags | Travel bags | carry Strap System
Bags USA Mfg.
bags U.S.A. was founded in 1985 with the goal of providing the highest quality product for a diverse customer base. That is why we provide service to football, basketball, swimming, cheerleading, dance, hockey and soccer teams, disaster relief, medical, businesses, and government organizations. Because all of our bags are manufactured on location, we can provide any style, color, and size that you need.
-Bags USA Mfg.
| bags | Backpacks | Cargo Travel Bag | Equipment bags |
Messenger bags | Duffel bags | Garment bags | Laundry bags | carry On bags | Search and Rescue Emergency bags | Boot bags | Shaving and Toiletry bags | Laptop Computer bags | Ski bags
With over 90 years of materials and manufacturing knowledge under our belt, Steele Canvas Basket is as productive and industrious as ever. Whether making mini bar bags for the Carlyle Hotel, enormous custom baskets for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade balloons, or the industrial canvas trucks used every day on construction sites from coast to coast, Steele is up to the job.
Still family-owned and operated, Steele Canvas continues to proudly manufacture in Massachusetts.
| Canvas Baskets | Heavy Duty bags | Steel Frame Baskets |
Canvas Tote bags | Canvas carry Baskets | Rolling Truck bags with Wheels
At Joshu+Vela, we build bags that are designed with your use in mind. Because we own and operate our own machinery, we are in complete control of our manufacturing process. This, coupled with the best natural materials, informs how we design each bag or wallet, resulting in quality products that last a lifetime.
| bags |
Leather Fashion Tote bags | Canvas carry Tote bags
Red Oxx Mfg.
Since we live here in Montana, our bags are hand made in Montana instead of offshore. This is our dream to build local jobs for regular people. We looked at redevelopment of our blighted neighborhood. This meant more local jobs and the capacity to grow. There’s only so much time in life to do good work. There’s the heart and soul of Montana in the hands-on touch of the people that work for us that goes into every one of our bags.
-Red Oxx Mfg.
Today the Red Oxx story continues with the world’s finest luggage and sporting gear, all meticulously made by hand by dedicated craftsmen and women right here in America. Building a culture of true quality and highly valuing customers to the point of not allowing any middle-man to come between them has led to our credo “Not sold at a store near you.”
-Red Oxx Mfg.
| bags | Luggage | Backpacks | Rifle and Gun Cases |
Duffel bags | Gear bags | Cargo bags | carry On bags | Travel bags | Garment bags | Roll-up bags
Sturdy aprons designed with bakers, gardeners, woodworkers, cobblers, baristas, potters, sculptors, mechanics, chefs, and tinkerers in mind.
Artifact products are handmade in Omaha, Nebraska using domestically sourced materials whenever possible.
| Tote bags | Aprons |
carry Tote
Baltimore Bag Company
After many years of designing and manufacturing in the fashion industry, I decided to venture into retail and open my own boutique in the heart of Koreatown; just a few blocks away from Downtown Los Angeles. My boutique was near the visa consulate office and I had several customers who were international travelers. They all came looking to buy gifts to take home – but not just any gift. They were specifically looking for items that were ‘Made in America’. Initially, it was difficult to accommodate the shoppers since most of the merchandise I carried was shipped from overseas. Majority of American designer handbags are manufactured in China. So, I thought to myself, “Why not create an All-American handbag and name it after one of the oldest cities in the country?”
-Baltimore Bag Company
Baltimore bags are handcrafted locally and fashioned with American leather by American craftsmen.
-Baltimore Bag Company
| Handbags | Purses | Leather and Canvas and Jute bags | Fashion Boutique bags |
Nylon carry All Tote | Bookbags and Backpacks | Bucket bags | Jute and Leather handbags
Ultralight Adventure Equipment
ULA is one of the few remaining U.S. based backpack companies who manufacture in house. Our factory in Logan Utah enables us to be extremely responsive to our customers ever changing needs.
-Ultralight Adventure Equipment
| Backpacking Equipment and Gear | Backpacks | Ultralight Applications |
Backcountry carry Equipment | Day Hiking bags
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